Mark your calendars for the FY22 CoC Community Prioritization Event


CoC Community Prioritization EventDear CoC Community Members, Partners and New Friends –

OH-500 Continuum of Care for the Homeless in Cincinnati/Hamilton County, Ohio has scheduled its annual Community Prioritization Event (CPE) for Wednesday, August 24th, 2022 at 1:00 pm.

At which our community will finalize the ranking process for the homelessness housing and services projects to be included in the overall “regular” 2022 HUD Continuum of Care Program grant funding competition.

This year, certain renewing CoC-funded projects as well as agencies who have submitted applications for new projects will be included in this final competition stage of ranking.

All projects seeking renewal or new CoC Funding must participate as rankers in the Community Prioritization Event.

Please note that HUD has not yet released the main CoC NOFO for FY22 funding, so some competition rules and timeframes may still be subject to change.

As always, our CoC welcomes participation of the public and particularly invites persons with lived experience of homelessness to participate and rank projects. Persons affiliated with agencies who are funded for the purpose of providing homelessness services and housing may rank projects as well.

Please pass this information on to folks involved in housing, healthcare, education, the justice system, food insecurity, social services, publicly elected officials and anyone you believe might be interested in the cause of homelessness services.

This is your opportunity to learn about the new projects applying for funding and to ask questions of all presenting projects.

Please Note

  • Each homelessness service agency is limited to two rankers.
  • Each ranker must commit to be present and participating in the meeting for the full duration of all of the project presentations.
  • We will provide ranking sheets to those rankers via email immediately after the close of all of the presentations.
  • Ranking sheets will be due back to STEH via after the close of presentations.
  • Agencies – please be thinking ahead as to who you will designate as your two rankers.

Register for the CoC Community Prioritization Event Now

The event will be held virtually on Microsoft Teams. It is free and open to the public. And though registration is not required, we strongly encourage registration to assist STEH with record keeping of the process. Register here:


You are welcome to join via the web, but the functionality works best through the Teams app.


Please feel free to forward this information to persons you know would like to participate. If you had this information forwarded to you and you intend to participate and vote, please email STEH as soon as possible at and let us know so we can discuss your eligibility as a ranker.

Please submit questions about CoC Scoring or the CPE to

Special Supplemental NOFO

Finally, for now, please note that HUD has recently published a special Supplemental NOFO to address Unsheltered Homelessness. The supplemental NOFO allows for new projects to apply. And requires that our CoC must rank those projects separately as well.

STEH will be issuing a notice for projects to apply under that NOFO shortly. If our CoC receives any applications for that supplemental NOFO, it is the community’s intention to conduct that ranking event separately as well. It will likely be held in September 2022 on a date yet to be determined.

As always, agencies new to CoC funding will be welcome to apply under that supplemental NOFO.

Thank you!