During Cincinnati’s “Point in Time Count,” every person counts…

The idea that every person counts is a simple one. But it represents something that Strategies to End Homelessness and our partners remember every single day.

A National Model

Point In Time CountThe homeless service system in Cincinnati and Hamilton County has been designated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a national standard. Through our coordinated system, we ensure every single person is prioritized for placement into housing when they find themselves on the streets or in shelter services. We used data from every homeless services organization to inform and improve our system as we fight to end homelessness.

While 90% of homeless people in Hamilton County enter shelter, there are some who do not seek shelter or services. Despite this, they deserve humanity, and they deserve to be recorded.

The Point in Time Count in Cincinnati

Realizing this need, HUD designates that on one night every year, homeless service providers and volunteers across the United States—including Cincinnati—count the number of people experiencing homelessness in our community, those in shelter and those still on the streets.

This event is called the “Point-in-Time Count.”

It identifies the number of homeless adults and children in the United States at one point in time. And information from this count is submitted to HUD and used to assess the state of homelessness across the country.

In 2016 we identified 1116 homeless unduplicated individuals – 60 of whom were sleeping outside in the cold winter weather. Our community is very fortunate to have a variety of services that provide emergency shelter to individuals and families, as well as a winter shelter that opens its doors to anyone who needs a warm place to sleep; however, there are always a few people that remain outside, and we will never forget that they count.

On January each year a team of about 30 street outreach workers and volunteers walk the streets of Hamilton County. Street Outreach Workers engage with the people for whom the streets are their home. They offer people a ride to the winter shelter, a connection to services, and some basic survival items.

This is where you come in. We need your help! We’re organizing a donation drive to make 100 bags of supplies to distribute to the homeless during the PIT Count.

Ways you can help the Point in Time Count:

1. Make a donation of any of the following: (please note that all donations should be NEW items!)

Suggested Items
Toothpaste & Toothbrush Mouthwash Deodorant
Hand or body wipes Lip balm Hand warmers
Gloves Hats Socks
Menstrual Products First aid items Tissues
Reusable Grocery bags $5 fast food gift cards Bottled water/juice
Heat packs Non-perishable individually-wrapped snacks


2. Volunteer to organize supplies and assemble bags. We’ll host an “assembly party” on Monday, January 23 from 6pm-7pm at our office to create these care packages.

3. Make a monetary donation – a $25 dollar donation will provide supplies to assemble 3 bags! Click to donate now!

We You can drop off toiletries and other goods at our offices:

Strategies to End Homelessness
2368 Victory Parkway, Suite 600,
Cincinnati, OH 45206

Our office is open from 8am to 4 pm on weekdays. For more information or questions, please contact Amanda Davis (adavis@end-homelessness.org or 513-263-2783).

We will donate any surplus supplies to our Street Outreach teams.

Thank you for your generosity, and for helping ensure that today and always, our most vulnerable community members count.