Our CoC held its annual Community Prioritization Event on August 27, 2019. Six projects were asked to present at the CPE this year in order to compete for placement in this year’s CoC Application to HUD. Following those presentations at CPE, the community members completed ranking sheets and STEH has since tallied those results. The (competing) presenting projects were ranked as follows:

1. Lighthouse PSH (Renewal)

2. Talbert House PSH 1 (Renewal)

3. CILO Permanent Housing (Renewal)

4. Salvation Army RRH (New)

5. Shelterhouse RRH (New)

6. NISRE PSH (Renewal)

STEH has since also prepared the attached prioritization list of all the projects to go into our CoC’s Application to HUD this year. While (this year) HUD has allowed our CoC to apply for a sum of money that covers all of the eligible projects who have requested to be included, that does not mean that HUD guarantees that the entire amount applied for will be funded.

STEH will submit the CoC’s Application to HUD by the deadline of September 30, 2019. We will update on word from HUD thereafter.

In the meantime, STEH truly appreciates the effort and involvement of all our community members in this process. And more importantly, as always – thank you for all you do for the most vulnerable in our community!

Download Prioritization List